
studio {love} : tea time studio (barcelona)

i have always had this fascination with anything that was happening overseas, well, creatively speaking... and overseas is relative to where one is located, i suppose. but perhaps the curiosity comes from the thought of not quite feeling like i belonged to a particular culture or could identify with a certain country. being japanese-american, or american-japanese, or what ever anyone would like to label me, internally, i don't feel either or. some days i feel strongly about being american, other days i wish i was raised in japan in order to not have an identity crisis.

either way, i've always, somewhere internally, yearn(ed) for a place to call 'home' and to feel that i am actually a part of that particular region. i realized that identifying with a particular culture or location does not necessarily have to do with your ethnicity per se, but in fact, has to do with a connection between your own self reflected identity + the one that is presented in front of you. if the two are on the same path, that's when 'home' is created.... i have yet to find that place.

since studying design, i've used this outlook to examine particular visual cultures to see if there is an overlying correlation between culture + country + visual identity + me. not sure if i've found any one place that visually + mentally work together, but there are particular works designed by individuals/studios that give me a sense of 'home'.

when first seeing tea time studio's work, the color palette, typographical choices, and a sense of serenity gave me a sense of this so-called 'home' in a visual sense. not exactly sure what it is that makes me feel so comfortable when looking at their work, but i do feel myself wanting to hug it... all of it very closely. who knows? you might feel this same sense of 'home' when viewing their work also.

// tea time studio


Sebastian said...

Hello! wow thanks for your post! I feel deeply glad for your words and happy to bring your "like home" feeling, I will follow your blog, I see lot's of lovely works in it.....
thanks! best wishes!

satsuki shibuya said...


Wow! What a pleasant surprise! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog and your follow. Your work is truly amazing and I look forward to seeing more of it.

Wishing you the best!

{ satsuki }