
i {heart} work : StitchandSew (jp)

good morning! with gray skies covering downtown los angeles this morning, i've been feeling a bit.... modern minimalist. (if that even is a category of how one can be feeling in a day. haha!) anyway, i've always enjoyed work that provokes a feel of nature and/or reminds me that the simplest little details combined together is what can make a product/design/(fill in the blank) stand out from the rest.

StitchandSew (jp) combines this idea beautifully in their products/projects and describes themselves as:

'we are interested in the relation between living and the objects we use everyday. taking that into consideration, we rethink and redesign these items in the hope of a new sense and ideas in life by using besides practical functions of goods.'

i really love their philosophy on how they approach their work. it definitely shows in the execution + makes me want to go 'use' one of their products right away in my everyday life. :)

// StitchandSew