
new studio : alternative space

Modern-Shed: design studio from Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli on Vimeo.

Modern-Shed: work studio from Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli on Vimeo.

Modern-Shed: yoga studio from Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli on Vimeo.

while brainstorming about a possible new studio space, i have been looking for different elements and one of the options that i have been debating about is an in-home work space vs a separated space. well, separated in a sense that i walk to the backyard into a studio space. i've read many blogs where people share their views on working from home and how having a place separate from the main house, even if it's just in their backyard, makes such a difference.

if i were to go the route of having a separate space, i would definitely consider one of these options from modern-shed. they are just lovely and aside from being aesthetically pleasing, it seems to be sturdy and well designed.

do you work from home? what are your thoughts on working from a room in the home vs working from a separate space (i.e. garage or modern-shed-like building)?

// modern-shed