
i {heart} work : ashkhan

happy monday + august! how has your year been going so far? do you feel like time is flying by or just flowing along like a lazy stream? i definitely feel that it's running full speed and doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, but that doesn't mean that i want to take the little things for granted in life. i feel that moments are created through the little things that we noticed and i want to make sure that i don't miss as many of those little moments.

one of these types of moments is to be able to enjoy things that tickle your inner soul. for myself, sometimes i'm not sure what it is that makes me feel a burst of giggles inside me, but i do know when i see it/feel it/hear it that it is there. artist ashkhan captures this moment for me in his work. his use of type, imagery, concept and aesthetic just tickles my inner being. so real and yet reminds me of my childhood when things were a little less complicated and my worries were if i was going to be able to go out and rollerblade after school. oops, that last sentence just aged me a bit!

// ashkhan