
i want : hard shell suitcase

with some traveling coming up at the end of this year, i've been wanting a new suitcase... the one i have been using is black, soft bodied and has only 2 tires. it's quite heavy to lug around when moving from city to city and is hard to find on the conveyor belt when there are 1,000 other bags that look just like yours. recently when some friends visited from japan, i fell in love with their sky blue + electric pink suitcases that were light, colorful, easy to push around and priced within reason. i went online to do a little eye shopping and wow, what a selection! now i don't know which one to get!

although, i love them all, i think i'm leaning towards either the black dots on white or the green one. which one do you like?

// arukikata
// hideo wakamatsu


hiroro said...

hmmmm.. i think the black polka on white fits youuu!

satsuki shibuya said...

haha! you know what i like! that is the one i've been eyeing the most!