
studio {love} : A-B-D (stockholm)

it is getting hot-hot-hot here in los angeles! how is everyone keeping cool from the summer heat? i hope with lots of ice cream, lemonade and cold iced tea. that sounds so good right about now.

sometimes when the weather gets too hot, it's hard for me to feel inspired to do anything and instead makes me want to go just lie underneath the fan + do nothing all day... but we all know that doing nothing = well, nothing. (although i am a strong believer in the necessity of working hard, but also knowing when to take a break and relax. still trying to incorporate this belief into my daily life... little by little.) so, with the smoldering heat making me lethargic, i needed to find something that would bring the ZING back into my attitude!

and energy i found! the work of stockholm-based A-B-D is very far away from anything bland. with a diverse breadth of work to showcase their many talents, this design studio is making me itch with excitement and the need to create something exciting! i am especially loving the different ways in which they incorporate type into their work from hand-drawn to refined, clean and straight.

if you want a little ZING in your day, check them out! i'm feeling all peppy now!

// A-B-D