
shopaholic : CHIGO

to be honest, i've never been one to be into baby clothes or baby anything for that matter. when people would swoon over cute little booties, i would think that it was 'cute', but not to the point of going ga ga over them. but with so many of my close girlfriends being pregnant/having babies and currently planning a baby shower for a good friend, i started to do a little bit of research to see if there was indeed some baby stuff that would spark my interest. oh how i was wrong! there are so SO many talented baby clothing/accessories designers out there now who are creating beautiful pieces!

one particular company that caught my eye recently was CHIGO. let me just say, the designs are adorable and even more swoon-worthy because they resemble clothes that i wouldn't mind wearing myself, only a mini-me version of it. 

if you're looking for a baby shower gift or something for your own little one, check this store out!