
i want : breakfast nook

{01} beach/vintage {02} monochromatic {03} warm/cozy {04} colorful {05} colonial/modern

i love eating and lately have been really starting to enjoy cooking too! but out of all the different meals one could eat during a day, i really enjoy breakfast. american, japanese, french... you name it, i'll probably like whatever it is that is being served. it doesn't have to be anything extravagant, but something to soothe the soul and get you ready for the day.

with this comes my recent obsession of wanting a little breakfast nook. a little corner or side area in the kitchen where the morning sun comes through a window overlooking the garden. a place to gather your thoughts, nourish the mind and get ready for the day ahead.

doesn't it sound lovely?


Sun said...

to have breakfast on a table near window with sunlight is lovely, a good start for a day :-)

size too small said...

ooooh me too! i especially love no. 5.

satsuki shibuya said...

sun: yes! i think so too~

size too small: it's my favorite also! (hence the larger size~ lol!)