
so excited! : etsy stalker

i just had to share some very happy news with you today! out of the blue, i received a msg from ms. curator beatrice stating that my ampersand tote on etsy {designDiapason} was featured in their ampersand exhibit on etsy stalker~ wow!

things like this really help me through tough times, especially mentally, when i wonder to myself if starting my own company is really the right path. there are times when i think, "maybe it's better if i were to just go work for a company, get a steady pay check and stop dreaming..." but when things like this happen, it makes me truly believe that chasing one's dream(s) is so important. i've been dreaming and running towards this goal for so many years now and i can't give it up. i just can't.

so thank you beatrice and the many others who, regardless if i've known you for all my life, a moment, or have never met you, your support is what keeps me going. your positive energy and influence is what allows me to pursue this dream.

the launch for the new company is underway and currently shooting to have the store up and running by the end of february/early march. depending on how production goes for the products and the photo shoot, things might change, but that's what i'm aiming for at this moment.

to whatever natural energy is out there right now helping things to move along in a positive direction, thank you so very much. it is not taken for granted.