
beautiful human beings

there are people who become self-centered, self-obsessed, and completely self-righteous once they become known/famous. ok, i think many... but i feel that it is due to human nature that people tend to become that way. but within those who are gifted (or lucky) enough to be placed on such pedestal, there are the few who are still humble, humane, and whole-heartedly genuine. to those individuals, i can't begin to say how much i respect them. i hope that regardless of what happens in my own life, that i will never forget the importance of respect for others and the thankfulness that i feel for all who have supported me thus far.

anyways~ the feeling/thought came about recently when i contacted (on a whim) a type designer who i have admired since being introduced to a type faced called switch.


her name is andrea tinnes (typecuts). if you are into typography, def. check her out. her work is amazing!

so~ while searching her website,
i noticed that she had an e-mail address and although i've never done this before, i decided to contact this individual (who in my mind is on a HIGH typographic pedestal) just to let her know how much i appreciated her work. to be honest, i was not expecting a reply back b/c... who am i? but to my surprise and very humbling experience, she wrote back (the next day!) and simply relayed her thoughts of gratitude for the e-mail i sent. a complete stranger, living somewhere far far away, who i've never met, decided to write back. i was touched. it made me realize that a small gesture, a thought, a genuine feeling, can travel miles... and can make an impact on an individual.

i hope that one day my work can touch individuals... and to also connect to people on a human level also. because at the end of the day, we are all connected...
