
fashion*love : stella mc cartney

a good friend was sharing with me this morning about the importance of not abusing one's power. to know that even if you're sitting at the pinnacle of where you would want to be, it does not mean that you should inflict pain upon others just because you can. she said that we are all human and humans are imperfect. that i agree. but i also agree with her that it is important not to let things get to one's head and to always stay focused on what is right not only for yourself, but for others.

i feel that stella mc cartney shows this in the way she has built her company + philosophy. she chooses to promote and produce things that are as friendly to the earth as possible, to shed light on the possibilities of beauty + fashion co-existing without necessarily harming the earth and individuals. not to mention, i am in love with her logo + packaging design! so pretty~ but that's just me geeking out about design. 

i hope that i can continue to stay focused on what my core values are within zakka nouveau and not get tempted or swayed by other things. focus. focus.